UDYOG AADHAR No.: MH18A0012185

Accredited by NSIC, GST, DGFT, D&B and rated by SMERA

 : +91 9323947935 / 9867548647 / 9869278681

 : neelyogengineers@gmail.com

YoCare Services

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Facade Test

Facade Test completed successfully as per AAMA STD.

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The ends of all tubes, suspension tubes, and nipples of water tube boilers and superheaters shall project through the tube sheets or headers not less than 1/4 inches nor more than 3/4 inches before flaring. Where tubes enter at an angle, the maximum limit of 3/4 inches shall apply only at point of least projection. The tubes shall be expanded and flared to an outside diameter of at least 1/8 inches greater than the diameter of the tube hole or they may be flared, rolled and welded except as provided in pwt 11.2; or rolled and seal welded without flaring provided the throat of the seal weld is not more than 3/8 inches and tubes are re-expanded after welding. 

Neelyog Engineers have cleaned over 100 million condenser and heat exchanger tubes, making us the number one condenser performance company in the world. Our exclusive Neelyog Engineers tube cleaning systems allow our crews to effectively clean more tubes per shift than high-pressure water jetting or chemical cleaning, and at a significantly lower overall cost. Our tube cleaning services are backed by 90 years of know-how and a full line of Yocare tube cleaners that can tackle anything you throw their way. Whether your condenser is fouled with silt, sediment, sea-life or scale, Yocare has the field-proven expertise to quickly and efficiently return it to peak performance.

Our organization is instrumental in providing Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning which is an ideal method for applying load to stud bolts in any situation. For these services, we provide integrated package combining trained competent operatives and proved site equipment ranging between the size of 7/8? to 4?. In this method, elongation of stud bolts and compression of the gasket takes place, virtually eliminating the uncertainties by inducing the load into stud bolts.

Our company has relentlessly pursued excellence in its endeavor by providing Hydraulic Bolt Torquing that is ideal for solving the bolting problems. Our service is executed within a committed time frame using advance technology by our experts of having this domain. These lightweight and robust wrenches are low profile hydraulic torque wrenches that are an integrated package combining experienced manpower.

Our professional cleaning services also include industrial cleaning, an option ideal for big industries and commercial set-ups where the need for professionalism is extremely crucial. Our industrial cleaning services are suited to any industrial premises, whether it’s a factory, a cement manufacturing plant or a pharmaceutical warehouse; wherein it is imperative to remove tough dirt and grease typically associated with industrial manufacturing processes. In addition to the tool and techniques, we take extra care to follow the required safety measures when it comes to industrial cleaning projects.

The facade of your building is exposed to the ravages of environment and weather, such as rain, dust, pollution etc. In order to maintain clean exterior, we recommend using our facade and window cleaning service. Regular cleaning and maintenance is important so as to increase the longevity of building material and maintain property value. A sparkling clean facade also leaves a positive impression on visitors. We offer window and facade cleaning service for every type of business including showrooms, offices, factories, schools and commercial complexes. Whatever the height of the building, We provide an efficient, safe and high quality window cleaning service, even where access is a problem.


The objective of this test method is to measure the working and ultimate capacities of a rock bolt anchor. This test method is applicable to rock bolts endanchored with cement grout or resin, (epoxy, polyester etc).

A rock bolt is installed in the same manner and in the same material as its intended construction use. The bolt is pulied hydraulically and the displacement of the bolt head is measured concurrently.The bolt is pulled until the rock bolt system or rock fails. The ultimate and working capacities of the bolt are calculated from the plot of load versusdisplacement.

Pull out tests is carried out for the purpose of determining the critical embedment length of fully grouted rebar bolts.This test method covers determination of the pullout strength of hardened concrete by measuring the force required to pull an embedded metal insert and the attached concrete fragment from a concrete test specimen or structure. The insert is either cast into fresh concrete or installed in hardened concrete. This test method does not provide statistical procedures to estimate other strength properties.

The main objective for the use of this test is to measure the performance of the anchor installation, and verify that it will resist the pull out forces. Several parameters such as the capacity of the loading apparatus,the bearing ring size, the loading rate, and anchor embedment depth should be taken into account when setting up the test. Ideally, unless the purpose of the test is determining the maximum pull out force, the anchor bolt should not fail or show any movement at the specified load.


Automatic and Manual Solar Panel Cleaning Systems automatically wash and rinse your solar panels. Once the system is installed and programmed, it requires no further attention except the occasional refilling of the soap concentrate and replacement of the water filters. The system can be programmed to wash and rinse as often as you feel necessary for you area.

The system attaches nozzles to your solar panels. Water from an existing source, such as a hose bib on a private residence, creates the water necessary for the system. The system can be attached to an existing hose bib or plumbed in with a copper or plastic line. A 110 AC power supply is required to operate the controller.

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